Category Archives: Portfolio

Developing a custom email newsletter application for a websites marketing campaign was using CS-Cart for their e-commerce solution and required a custom plugin development that allows customers to search through a list of songs in their database

  ho is NOBODY? is an educational program for use in schools. We wanted the site to be clean and uncluttered while getting across how the product worked giving examples as to how the program had achieved success. One way we did this was to make a flash based Scrapbook, where visitors could look at […]

  ecurity Systems Group is a UK based Alarm Company that wanted to redesign their website. The client wanted a visual,  clean and modern looking site to showcase their products and services. After approving the designs,  I sliced the PSD proofs, coded the entire site and custom created all graphics. This site is built on […]

Royal Canin had a new product for Sphynx cats that they wanted to market via Social Media. After discussing their requirements, we came to the conclusion that we would create their own social website and social network. They wanted to provide an environment where they could help their community feel privileged…